Monday, November 14, 2016

Only silver lining in US election of Donald J. Trump

The 2016 U.S presidential elections, which was literally a reality TV show, is now behind us but even more shocking than the nasty political campaign is the rise to power of a reality TV star who defiled everything the United States of America supposedly stands for on his way to become the country's 45th president. During the campaign, his opponent described half of his supporters as "deplorables" -- racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it. Regardless, Trump got elected. But there's a silver lining: majority of Americans did not vote for him - which means majority of Americans are not deplorables. 

On June 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump introduced himself to the world by connecting Mexican immigrants with rape and drugs, and then promised mass deportation and a border wall. In another hugely controversial statement on December 7, 2015 he called for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States...". The statement provoked dismay and claims of racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia.

Screenshot of The Telegraph
It is worth mentioning that long before the presidential campaign started, Trump (and his father) were sued by the Department of Justice for racial discrimination related to their housing business in Brooklyn. They were accused of "anti-black bias" in apartment rentals in the city. Trump Management Corporation was accused of violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968 in its operation of 39 buildings. According to the New York Times the Justice Department contended that Trump Corporation had refused to rent or negotiate rentals because of race and colors, and required different rental terms and conditions because of race as well as misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available. Assistant Attorney General at the time, J. Stanley Pottingar, told the New Times that the Trump case was referred to the Justice Department by the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

On January 23, 2016 Trump boasted that support for his presidential bid would not lose supporters even if he shoots somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue. This came after he pondered the prospect of killing journalists. At a rally in South Carolina, Trump mocked a disabled reporter by mimicking the reporter's impaired movement. In fact Donald Trump controversies abound, including the scandal involving the so-called Trump University which many of its students who paid as much as $35,000, according to The Atlantic, described as a scam. In March 2016, during the presidential campaign, a New York appeals court ruled that a lawsuit which was filed in 2013 claiming that Donald Trump's now defunct Trump University defrauded consumers can go ahead. According to the lawsuit the Trump initiative bilked thousands of students collectively of $40 million.

The list of Trump lawsuits and controversies is long. His treatment women and his attitude toward them is worthy of an honorary mention. His "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly who pressed him on his misogynistic and sexist comments about women revealed his impudent attitude toward women. Then came the story of former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, and how Donald Trump bullied and ridiculed her because of her looks and Latina background. Then came the 2005 video footage in which Trump brags about sexual assault against women. The video was followed by a catalog of sexual assault allegations by several women.

My Take  

First of all, it is unconscionable that Donald Trump got elected president of the United States. His zero administrative experience, his temperament, erratic tweeting - sometimes at 3 AM - and his long list of lawsuits and controversies related to discrimination, racism, xenophobia, sexism and sexual harassment allegations should have eliminated him. Hillary Clinton was right: many - if not half - of Donald J. Trump's supporters could be put into what she calls the "basket of deplorables." Hillary later apologized for the statement -- but she should not have. There should be no apologies for calling out bigotry. Chances are anyone who supports and votes for a bigot is bigoted or does not care about bigotry. Supporters of Donald Trump, including members of Ku Klux Klan voted for a candidate who during the campaign flirted with racism, sexism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, you name it; they elected a candidate who used fear-mongering and appealed to the dark side of the electorate. In the wake of his election the KKK, which endorsed him in April 2016, announced a victory parade to celebrate victory. Bona fide racists rooted for, and continue to root for Trump. Deplorable.

Donald Trump did not only embolden old school racists like established members of the KKK. His campaign inspired a new generation of racists among young students in schools and campuses around the country which are grappling with hostilities against minorities following the election. For instance, students at York County School of Technology were recorded chanting "white power" while carrying a pro-Trump sign; a prayer room for Muslim students at New York University was defaced with the word "Trump!" the day after the election; students in Royal Oak Middle School can be heard chanting "build the wall! Build the wall! in the school cafeteria. Racists graffi and hate crimes linked to Trump's campaign message have also been reported after the election.

Some analysts and commentators have argued that not all Trump supporters are deplorable because some of them are "well-meaning" ordinary Americans worried about "the establishment" and the state of the economy. I disagree. Anyone who shuns social justice in favor of  a divisive candidate who promises to fix the economy could be safely put into the basket of deplorables. According to Fareed Zakaria, Donald Trump re-made the political map because of huge support from working class whites, and right wing populism is one the rise across a variety of western countries, including in countries with strong economic growth. Many Trump supporters - mostly white working class men - used the economy in this historic election to mask racism and xenophobia, and justify their desire to "make America white again" by building a wall, banning Muslims from entering the United States, deporting millions of immigrants, amongst other things.

The only good news following the shocking outcome of the 2016 U.S presidential election campaign is the popular vote. According to CBS news Hillary Clinton is on track to winning the popular vote in the 2016 presidential election. Hours after she called Trump to concede she was winning the popular vote. It means majority of Americans cannot be put into the basket of deplorables - because majority of Americans did not vote for a deplorable candidate. Donald Trump got elected as a result of the Electoral College - a system he himself described in in a tweet in 2012 after America's first black president got re-elected as "a disaster for democracy" after America's first black president got re-elected; a system in which a candidate can win the popular vote and lose the election. Trump condemned the system regardless of the fact that Barack Obama won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote. That is how much he despised America's first black president.

When news broke that Donald J. Trump had been elected 45th U.S. president my fear was that he might have won the popular vote -- which would have meant that majority of the American electorate share his divisive views. I was relieved to an extent to learn that majority of Americans did not vote for him. Trump did not win the popular vote. It means majority of Americans do not subscribe to his views and did not want him to become president - hence the numerous anti-Trump protests in several cities and on campuses across the country following the election. The election of Trump offended the collective conscience of most Americans - many of whom took to the streets to express opposition. This, I think, is the only silver lining in what will go down in history as the most ridiculous U.S. presidential election campaign; a campaign that culminated in the election of the first most politically inexperienced, erratic, openly xenophobic, Islamophobic and sexist U.S presidential candidate who has never held public office or served in the military. Majority of Americans are good people, and cannot be put into the basket of deplorables. Only a minority voted for Trump.

Only silver lining in US election of Donald J. Trump

The 2016 U.S presidential elections, which was literally a reality TV show, is now behind us but even more shocking than the nasty political campaign is the rise to power of a reality TV star who defiled everything the United States of America supposedly stands for on his way to become the country's 45th president. During the campaign, his opponent described half of his supporters as "deplorables" -- racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it. Regardless, Trump got elected. But there's a silver lining: majority of Americans did not vote for him - which means majority of Americans are not deplorables. 

On June 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump introduced himself to the world by connecting Mexican immigrants with rape and drugs, and then promised mass deportation and a border wall. In another hugely controversial statement on December 7, 2015 he called for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States...". The statement provoked dismay and claims of racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia.

Screenshot of The Telegraph
It is worth mentioning that long before the presidential campaign started, Trump (and his father) were sued by the Department of Justice for racial discrimination related to their housing business in Brooklyn. They were accused of "anti-black bias" in apartment rentals in the city. Trump Management Corporation was accused of violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968 in its operation of 39 buildings. According to the New York Times the Justice Department contended that Trump Corporation had refused to rent or negotiate rentals because of race and colors, and required different rental terms and conditions because of race as well as misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available. Assistant Attorney General at the time, J. Stanley Pottingar, told the New Times that the Trump case was referred to the Justice Department by the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

On January 23, 2016 Trump boasted that support for his presidential bid would not lose supporters even if he shoots somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue. This came after he pondered the prospect of killing journalists. At a rally in South Carolina, Trump mocked a disabled reporter by mimicking the reporter's impaired movement. In fact Donald Trump controversies abound, including the scandal involving the so-called Trump University which many of its students who paid as much as $35,000, according to The Atlantic, described as a scam. In March 2016, during the presidential campaign, a New York appeals court ruled that a lawsuit which was filed in 2013 claiming that Donald Trump's now defunct Trump University defrauded consumers can go ahead. According to the lawsuit the Trump initiative bilked thousands of students collectively of $40 million.

The list of Trump lawsuits and controversies is long. His treatment women and his attitude toward them is worthy of an honorary mention. His "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly who pressed him on his misogynistic and sexist comments about women revealed his impudent attitude toward women. Then came the story of former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, and how Donald Trump bullied and ridiculed her because of her looks and Latina background. Then came the 2005 video footage in which Trump brags about sexual assault against women. The video was followed by a catalog of sexual assault allegations by several women.

My Take  

First of all, it is unconscionable that Donald Trump got elected president of the United States. His zero administrative experience, his temperament, erratic tweeting - sometimes at 3 AM - and his long list of lawsuits and controversies related to discrimination, racism, xenophobia, sexism and sexual harassment allegations should have eliminated him. Hillary Clinton was right: many - if not half - of Donald J. Trump's supporters could be put into what she calls the "basket of deplorables." Hillary later apologized for the statement -- but she should not have. There should be no apologies for calling out bigotry. Chances are anyone who supports and votes for a bigot is bigoted or does not care about bigotry. Supporters of Donald Trump, including members of Ku Klux Klan voted for a candidate who during the campaign flirted with racism, sexism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, you name it; they elected a candidate who used fear-mongering and appealed to the dark side of the electorate. In the wake of his election the KKK, which endorsed him in April 2016, announced a victory parade to celebrate victory. Bona fide racists rooted for, and continue to root for Trump. Deplorable.

Donald Trump did not only embolden old school racists like established members of the KKK. His campaign inspired a new generation of racists among young students in schools and campuses around the country which are grappling with hostilities against minorities following the election. For instance, students at York County School of Technology were recorded chanting "white power" while carrying a pro-Trump sign; a prayer room for Muslim students at New York University was defaced with the word "Trump!" the day after the election; students in Royal Oak Middle School can be heard chanting "build the wall! Build the wall! in the school cafeteria. Racists graffi and hate crimes linked to Trump's campaign message have also been reported after the election.

Some analysts and commentators have argued that not all Trump supporters are deplorable because some of them are "well-meaning" ordinary Americans worried about "the establishment" and the state of the economy. I disagree. Anyone who shuns social justice in favor of  a divisive candidate who promises to fix the economy could be safely put into the basket of deplorables. According to Fareed Zakaria, Donald Trump re-made the political map because of huge support from working class whites, and right wing populism is one the rise across a variety of western countries, including in countries with strong economic growth. Many Trump supporters - mostly white working class men - used the economy in this historic election to mask racism and xenophobia, and justify their desire to "make America white again" by building a wall, banning Muslims from entering the United States, deporting millions of immigrants, amongst other things.

The only good news following the shocking outcome of the 2016 U.S presidential election campaign is the popular vote. According to CBS news Hillary Clinton is on track to winning the popular vote in the 2016 presidential election. Hours after she called Trump to concede she was winning the popular vote. It means majority of Americans cannot be put into the basket of deplorables - because majority of Americans did not vote for a deplorable candidate. Donald Trump got elected as a result of the Electoral College - a system he himself described in in a tweet in 2012 after America's first black president got re-elected as "a disaster for democracy" after America's first black president got re-elected; a system in which a candidate can win the popular vote and lose the election. Trump condemned the system regardless of the fact that Barack Obama won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote. That is how much he despised America's first black president.

When news broke that Donald J. Trump had been elected 45th U.S. president my fear was that he might have won the popular vote -- which would have meant that majority of the American electorate share his divisive views. I was relieved to an extent to learn that majority of Americans did not vote for him. Trump did not win the popular vote. It means majority of Americans do not subscribe to his views and did not want him to become president - hence the numerous anti-Trump protests in several cities and on campuses across the country following the election. The election of Trump offended the collective conscience of most Americans - many of whom took to the streets to express opposition. This, I think, is the only silver lining in what will go down in history as the most ridiculous U.S. presidential election campaign; a campaign that culminated in the election of the first most politically inexperienced, erratic, openly xenophobic, Islamophobic and sexist U.S presidential candidate who has never held public office or served in the military. The majority of Americans cannot be put into the basket of deplorables. Only a minority voted for Trump.

Only silver lining in US election of Donald J. Trump

The 2016 U.S presidential elections, which was literally a reality TV show, is now behind us but the result of the election is even more shocking than the rise to power of a reality TV star who defiled everything the United States of America supposedly stands for on his way to become the country's 45th president. During the campaign, his opponent described half of his supporters as "deplorables" -- racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it. Regardless, Trump got elected. But there's a silver lining: majority of Americans did not vote for him - which means majority of Americans are not deplorables. 

On June 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump introduced himself to the world by connecting Mexican immigrants with rape and drugs, and then promised mass deportation and a border wall. In another hugely controversial statement on December 7, 2015 he called for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States...". The statement provoked dismay and claims of racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia.

Screenshot of The Telegraph
It is worth mentioning that long before the presidential campaign started, Trump (and his father) were sued by the Department of Justice for racial discrimination related to their housing business in Brooklyn. They were accused of "anti-black bias" in apartment rentals in the city. Trump Management Corporation was accused of violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968 in its operation of 39 buildings. According to the New York Times the Justice Department contended that Trump Corporation had refused to rent or negotiate rentals because of race and colors, and required different rental terms and conditions because of race as well as misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available. Assistant Attorney General at the time, J. Stanley Pottingar, told the New Times that the Trump case was referred to the Justice Department by the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

On January 23, 2016 Trump boasted that support for his presidential bid would not lose supporters even if he shoots somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue. This came after he pondered the prospect of killing journalists. At a rally in South Carolina, Trump mocked a disabled reporter by mimicking the reporter's impaired movement. In fact Donald Trump controversies abound, including the scandal involving the so-called Trump University which many of its students who paid as much as $35,000, according to The Atlantic, described as a scam. In March 2016, during the presidential campaign, a New York appeals court ruled that a lawsuit which was filed in 2013 claiming that Donald Trump's now defunct Trump University defrauded consumers can go ahead. According to the lawsuit the Trump initiative bilked thousands of students collectively of $40 million.

The list of Trump lawsuits and controversies is long. His treatment women and his attitude toward them is worthy of an honorary mention. His "blood" comments about Megyn Kelly who pressed him on his misogynistic and sexist comments about women revealed his impudent attitude toward women. Then came the story of former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, and how Donald Trump bullied and ridiculed her because of her looks and Latina background. Then came the 2005 video footage in which Trump brags about sexual assault against women. The video was followed by a catalog of sexual assault allegations by several women.

My Take  

First of all, it is unconscionable that Donald Trump got elected president of the United States. His zero administrative experience, his temperament, erratic tweeting - sometimes at 3 AM - and his long list of lawsuits and controversies related to discrimination, racism, xenophobia, sexism and sexual harassment allegations should have eliminated him. Hillary Clinton was right: many - if not half - of Donald J. Trump's supporters could be put into what she calls the "basket of deplorables." Hillary later apologized for the statement -- but she should not have. There should be no apologies for calling out bigotry. Chances are anyone who supports and votes for a bigot is bigoted or does not care about bigotry. Supporters of Donald Trump, including members of Ku Klux Klan voted for a candidate who during the campaign flirted with racism, sexism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, you name it; they elected a candidate who used fear-mongering and appealed to the dark side of the electorate. In the wake of his election the KKK, which endorsed him in April 2016, announced a victory parade to celebrate victory. Bona fide racists rooted for, and continue to root for Trump. Deplorable.

Donald Trump did not only embolden old school racists like established members of the KKK. His campaign inspired a new generation of racists among young students in schools and campuses around the country which are grappling with hostilities against minorities following the election. For instance, students at York County School of Technology were recorded chanting "white power" while carrying a pro-Trump sign; a prayer room for Muslim students at New York University was defaced with the word "Trump!" the day after the election; students in Royal Oak Middle School can be heard chanting "build the wall! Build the wall! in the school cafeteria. Racists graffi and hate crimes linked to Trump's campaign message have also been reported after the election.

Some analysts and commentators have argued that not all Trump supporters are deplorable because some of them are "well-meaning" ordinary Americans worried about "the establishment" and the state of the economy. I disagree. Anyone who shuns social justice in favor of  a divisive candidate who promises to fix the economy could be safely put into the basket of deplorables. According to Fareed Zakaria, Donald Trump re-made the political map because of huge support from working class whites, and right wing populism is one the rise across a variety of western countries, including in countries with strong economic growth. Many Trump supporters - mostly white working class men - used the economy in this historic election to mask racism and xenophobia, and justify their desire to "make America white again" by building a wall, banning Muslims from entering the United States, deporting millions of immigrants, amongst other things.

The only good news following the shocking outcome of the 2016 U.S presidential election campaign is the popular vote. According to CBS news Hillary Clinton is on track to winning the popular vote in the 2016 presidential election. Hours after she called Trump to concede she was winning the popular vote. It means majority of Americans cannot be put into the basket of deplorables - because majority of Americans did not vote for a deplorable candidate. Donald Trump got elected as a result of the Electoral College - a system he himself described in in a tweet in 2012 after America's first black president got re-elected as "a disaster for democracy" after America's first black president got re-elected; a system in which a candidate can win the popular vote and lose the election. Trump condemned the system regardless of the fact that Barack Obama won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote. That is how much he despised America's first black president.

When news broke that Donald J. Trump had been elected 45th U.S. president my fear was that he might have won the popular vote -- which would have meant that majority of the American electorate share his divisive views. I was relieved to an extent to learn that majority of Americans did not vote for him. Trump did not win the popular vote. It means majority of Americans do not subscribe to his views and did not want him to become president - hence the numerous anti-Trump protests in several cities and on campuses across the country following the election. The election of Trump offended the collective conscience of most Americans - many of whom took to the streets to express opposition. This, I think, is the only silver lining in what will go down in history as the most ridiculous U.S. presidential election campaign; a campaign that culminated in the election of the first most politically inexperienced, erratic, openly xenophobic, Islamophobic and sexist U.S presidential candidate who has never held public office or served in the military. The majority of Americans cannot be put into the basket of deplorables. Only a minority voted for Trump.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

MV-lehti: a Finnish anti-immigration irony

By definition, xenophobes are bigoted, prejudiced and often racist individuals who dislike immigrants or, in general, dislike people from other countries. It is therefore ironic to have someone who seemingly dislikes immigrants but is himself the son of an immigrant, currently lives in a foreign country and at the same time runs an anti-immigrant website from his adopted country. 

An anti-immigrant website has been on the news lately in Finland. According to Yle, the site, MV-lehti, was founded in 2014 and has been accused of racism, slander, conspiracy theories, copyright infringement and privacy violations in Finland. Yle reports that the website has gained a larger readership in Finland over the past year since the migrant crisis began in Europe after publishing incendiary, erroneous and abusive articles on immigration and other subjects. The website is reportedly known for also publishing, amongst other things, pictures of [foreign] crime suspects and convicted criminals in violation of Finland's privacy laws.

Screenshot of MV-lehti header
The website's founder, Ilja Janitskin, told Yle in an interview (in Finnish) that his father was born in Leningrad (known nowadays as St. Petersburg), Russia. His father migrated to Finland (from Russia) when he fell in love with a Finnish woman. The couple settled in Lieksa, eastern Finland, where they gave birth to and raised the founder of the anti-immigrant website MV-lehti. He tells Yle that he considers himself "100% Finnish." In the 2000s he emigrated to Miami, Florida where he lived for 2 years. He returned to Finland from Miami, and joined an organized criminal motorcycle club after being unable to find work. He then moved to Spain where he now lives in Barcelona where MV-lehti was founded.

Several youth and political orgainzations joined forces and launched a campaign against MV-lehti and another anti-immigrant website in an effort to cut off funds by targeting the websites' advertisers. The rationale of the campaign is that the websites in question agitate hatred towards minority groups in Finnish society hence companies should not benefit from that. The campaign against the sites was reportedly launched by the Social Democratic Students (SONK), and the organization's chair reportedly received death threats following the launch of the campaign.

A police investigation was launched on the request of Finland's Deputy Prosecutor General to determine whether or not charges should be pressed against the founder of MV-lehti. According to Yle police received dozens of complaints about the website, and launched an investigation on suspicion of copyright infringement, libel, aggravated defamation, fundraising crimes and gambling crimes. Helsinki district court rejected a petition by police to shut down the website. The site's founder was however remanded in custody in absentia. Police want to question him on suspicion of inciting hatred against an ethnic group and aggravated slander. He is also suspected of illegal threats, money laundering and gambling crimes, breaches of confidentiality and copyright crimes.  Yle reports that the suspect said he will not willingly give himself up for questioning and that he may consider seeking asylum in Spain to avoid Finnish authorities. He could face arrest and extradition to Finland since the Helsinki Appeals Court threw out an appeal against the remand order.

The suspect was detained in Spain following the decision by Finnish courts to remand him in custody. He was however released by Spanish authorities a few days later. 

My Take

I watched Yle's interview with Janitskin, titled "Janitskinin totuus??!!" Sitting on a sofa stroking a bunny, IIja Janitskin came across in the interview as defiant. But despite his best attempt to debunk claims that he is an immigrant himself, nothing can change the fact: he is an immigrant demonizing immigrants. Not only Somalis and Africans are immigrants. A Finn living in Spain is also an immigrant in Spain. It is that simple. Janitskin reportedly emigrated to Miami at one point and later to Spain. He is as immigrant as an immigrant can get. If he is not an immigrant in Spain no one living in a foreign country is - not even the Somalis bearing the brunt of racism in his hometown of Lieksa, which by the way has a unflattering reputation

It is ironic to see someone whose father was an immigrant and who is currently an immigrant himself running an anti-immigrant website against immigrants living in the country to which his father emigrated from his native Russia. And it is telling that Janitskin says he would seek asylum in Spain if need be. Someone radically opposed to immigrants and asylum seekers considering seeking asylum elsewhere. Paradoxical.

Mindful of the fact that his father was a Russian who migrated to Finland, Janitskin is of immigrant background by birth. To put it into perspective - president Barack Obama of the United States is of immigrant background. Obama was born in the United States to an American mother and a Kenyan father. Obama is 100% American in the same way Janitskin is, in his own words, "100% Finnish" - although some racist Finnish right-wing extremists, many of whom, I think, enjoy the content of website would argue - in private if not in public - that he is not 100% Finnish as he claims.

The first thing that stroke me while watching the Yle interview was that he felt the need to brand himself "100% Finnish." This led me to believe this might be someone struggling with identity crisis; someone who probably thinks he is more "Finnish" than others. It would be interesting to know what he thinks of a person who was, for example, born in Finland to a Tanzanian mother and a Finnish father. In other words, I would like to know whether  Janitskin also thinks someone born in Lieksa to a Somali father and a Finnish mother is also "100% Finnish." Drawing from the anti-multiculturalism and anti-migrant content on his MV-lehti website my guess is he probably does not think so.

Ilja Janitskin touched on freedom of expression in the Yle interview. According to him people have the right to write what they want. From a legal standpoint it is not true. There are justifiable legal limitations to freedom of expression in both national legislation and in international human rights conventions like the European Convention on Human Rights (article 10) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Janitskin claims he does not force anyone to read his thoughts or comments of his readers. This statement points to a common problem among people who spew and incite hate online: they are often quick to point to their rights while being oblivious to their duties and the rights of others. Everyone reserves the right to visit a website that is open to the public and the right to report to the authorities if they think a crime is being committed online. That is why Finnish police have the Net Tip or Nettivinkki section on its website through which internet users can submit non-emergency information to the police in relation to any suspicious material found online, including racist or hate crimes and discrimination.The publisher of an inflammatory website cannot ask people of good conscience to look away.

I welcome legal action against hate speech and incitement of hatred both online and offline, and I commend those who proactively take legal action against hate-mongering websites and against individuals that threaten public safety by inciting hatred against minority groups. It is unfortunate that the chair of SONK, Hanna Huumonen, received death threats for launching a campaign against MV-lehti and a related website. The death threats are an indication of the threat posed by such websites and the people who run them. People of goodwill fighting social ills should not be cowed by illegal threats designed to silence them and intended to create an environment conducive for racism to foster.