As a son of a decorated Police Commissioner and a secondary school teacher, I was raised (in a Catholic family) in the spirit of discipline, fear of the Lord and respect --- respect for the law and for fellow humans.
I hold a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree from Lund University in Sweden and a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree from the University of Buea, Cameroon.
In 2007, I was granted a scholarship by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law to pursue a Masters degree in International Human Rights Law at Lund University, Sweden. I completed the programme and was awarded the degree of Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Human Rights Law and International Labour Rights (in Swedish: Juris Masterexamen i mänskliga rättigheter och grundläggande rättigheter i arbetslivet) in 2010.
I obtained a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree from the University of Buea in the south west region of Cameroon in 2005.
Prior to university studies I attended secondary and high school in Saint Bede's College, a Catholic school in Bamenda, north west Cameroon where I obtained my Ordinary Level (O/Level) and Advanced Level (A/Level) certificates.
I have worked as an intern at Amnesty International in Finland. As part of Amnesty Finland's expert and advocacy team, my main tasks included research on alternatives to detention of children seeking asylum in Finland. I also prepared a paper on asylum application procedures in Nordic countries. Before working as an intern, I worked as office volunteer for the human rights group.
I have also worked at Palvelualojen Ammattiliitto PAM (Service Union United PAM), which is one of Finland's biggest trade unions for workers in the private service sector.
I enjoy writing. My articles have been published in magazines such as Amnesty International's Amnesty-lehti and in PAM's PAM-lehti. Topics covered in my writings include human trafficking and labour exploitation in Finland.
I have made presentations in seminars and training events organized by PAM and Amnesty International in Finland. For instance I made presentations (in Finnish) in two seminars organized by PAM: one on human trafficking and labour exploitation (FINE TUNE -seminaari "ihmiskauppaa ja työperäistä hyväksikäyttoä vastaan") on 27.03.2013 and another seminar on equality (tasa-arvo-ja yhdenvertaisuusseminaari) on 17.11.2012.
In 2011, my interest in advocating human rights drove me to register a human rights association in Cameroon called Civitas. I work as a Detention Centre Visits (DCV) volunteer for Suomen Punainen Risti (the Finnish Red Cross). In my free time I serve as Secretary-General of Cameroon Cultural and Development Association Finland (CAMCUDAF).
Besides English and French as official languages, I learned -- and continue to learn Finnish language. I put in over 1120,00 hours learning Finnish at Edupoli and Axxell Monikulttuurisuuskeskus in Helsinki and Espoo. I completed Finnish level 1, 2, 3 and 4 (työelämän suomea 1, 2, 3 ja työelämäjakso), and obtained the Finnish language proficiency certificate in October 2012.
I also speak Aghem, a language spoken in Aghem, Wum -- my native village in Menchum Division in the north west region of Cameroon.
Having lived in Sweden for a couple of years, I understand a few Swedish words and intend to learn more svenska in the future.
I am a strong believer in Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
My passion is in promoting respect for human rights and the rule of just laws. Some laws such as Apartheid laws enacted in South Africa in 1948 are, I believe, unjust and morally reprehensible, and should be actively and peacefully opposed.